Wednesday 2 June 2010

Tell me WHAT you carry and I will tell you WHO you are

Debbie Percy


Have you ever wondered “what your handbag says about you”? Well, this is the moment because, yes! you have heard correctly, Debbie Percy is one of the few handbag therapists in the world.

I met her in the opening day of House of Maffia (New PR Agency by Lisa Maffia) and she amased me from the very beginning. Just by analising your handbag content, Debbie will provide you with some [ALWAYS positive!] feedback about your character – which we all too often forget to celebrate. In addition, her analysis may also provoke some relevant thoughts about areas of your life to work on or change so that you can enjoy life to the full!

But since seeing is believing, let me show you two real examples of HANDBAG THERAPY.

Maria Randaccio

I love how full of purpose your bag is – it has focus! I wonder what else it will reveal by what’s inside!

I sense you are a lady who loves adventure! Travel plays an important role in life and can create a sense of adventure for you. Your bag is suggesting that this is a way to remain positive.

I would describe you as confident socially. Someone who is popular and has a positive attitude. You are a polite lady. This does not mean you can be a rude or impolite person.

I sense you are creative and have good intuition. Make sure you are listening to your ‘gut instincts’ especially when you are facing uncertainty or can’t see the way forward. Your instincts will serve you well, when you find yourself ‘chewing over issues’, going round in circles or feeling like you are not getting anywhere! You have energy and passions. It is important to pursue these passions, to use your mind and to think about how to expand your interest in new ways.

You seem to have found a way to streamline your bag; it is neat, tidy and minimalist in terms of the contents. I wonder if this is out of pleasure or out of a need to feel less ‘chaotic’. There is something in your bag that suggests your life can be unpredictable! You seem to be a lady who wants to be ready for action!

Finally! Don’t hide your love! If that is your love for a person or for a passion, or interest. Let it out! Give it life! Trust your creative ability to craft a direction for you to follow. Knowing your direction is important and will help you to continue to be expressive with who you are and what you want to do.

Bianca Spada

Well Bianca! Your striking bag is full of insight into your personality. Let’s take a close look at what it reveals.

You are a wonderfully reliable and dependable lady. Others will value this quality in you knowing they can depend upon you to do what you say you will do. You are a pragmatic lady with a wonderful ‘down to earth’ quality about you that will draw people to you.

You are a single minded, focused lady. You are busy, ‘on the go’ with lots of energy! When you have ‘down moments’ in life, such as feeling uncertain or confused – your ability to remain positive will help you find the clarity that you want.

You have aspirations, maybe a dream – something that may at times just feel like a dream to you. You enjoy thinking of new ideas, and are drawn to new beginnings, new ideas, or paths to follow. Yet at times, I sense that you may ‘second doubt’ yourself or your aspirations or dream: don’t! Follow your dreams, and passions and notice where your energy is drawn and towards whom or what!

If I knew you well as a friend, I would describe you as very friendly, kind, generous, and tactful. You make a good friend! Others will trust you and find you mature as well as fun loving! Concepts such as marriage may be important to you as a way of expressing trust.

Finally! Inspiration is important at the moment. What inspires you? Who helps you to feel a sense of satisfaction in work, or outside of work? Be an inspiration to others and leave your ‘mark’ on the world! You are destined to do so.
Debbie is not only a great and fun person, she also nailed our analysis! So, don't hesitate and get your hangbag therapy! To make a booking email:
To find out more about using Handbag Therapy as a unique or unusual gift, to read my blog, or to subscribe to my newsletter go to

Happiness is in the Bag!

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